The baby's bag has staying and going outfits and picture outfits and hats. Blankets. Not a lot, mind you, but things I'd like him to have right away. His little winter coat is in there, because it's going to be chilly for a baby. His Red Sox hat and his little lion man hat, for costume changes. As well as onsies and socks.
My bag? Well. Jammies and yoga pants. Nursing tops and robes. Things to make me feel like myself. Makeup. Hey, you know what? Don't judge. People say I will not need it, but if it makes me feel better after X amount of labor, I'm bringing the makeup bag.
Other things that are making their way into the car? My body pillow. My Boppy. My breast pump. The birth ball (cleverly disguised as a yoga ball...if you go looking for one...).
The one thing I am pushing for is the beautiful blanket I'm making for him to come home in. It's incredibly cool, and I'm making it for him to wear home, but we'll see if it's ready in time. More on this when I've completed it.
So. This week Andy's coworkers threw him a shower. I am floored by these people's admiration for my husband. These ladies just threw such an amazing little bash for him! Food and gifts and cake...balloons! Love it all! We got some money and gift cards to his work, but most of it was little heartfelt sentimental gifts, which I just loved. And all "daddy" themed. Oh and we got a robe with little booties! IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some pics from his big day :)
(in case you're wondering, this is the front to a maternity mannequin at his store. Too funny!)
That's it on our front this week. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon. I hope to bring Lauren and Bob and little Liv some supper. Andy works late tomorrow, so I hope to get more things done than if he were home and I wanted to be with him. Ya know?
See ya!