Yesterday they were cleaning the floors with this new awful cleaner. I went outside for a while, to try to clear my head of this miserable odor (which "everyone" else declared was such an improvement over the old cleaner) and this headache started to come over me. I went outside many more times and I just couldn't shake this headache.
I tried eating lunch, I tried eating yucky peanut butter crackers (GAG!) and nothing worked. So they called me in to check my blood pressure, and of course everything was fine. I got a chance to hear the baby's heartbeat, so that is always a treat. She told me to go take two Tylenol and to rest. But I had to go back to work, of course. So I propped my feet up at my desk and was fine after a little while. She also suggested I was dehydrated.
The funny thing is, this morning it's all back again. This makes me think it's work related. Also extreme sleep loss related. Last night I woke up...but it really wasn't waking up. Not really. This happens to me every night recently. It's like I'm awake in a eyes are open, but I'm lucid. I hate it and I wish it would stop.
Oh, and I haven't gained any weight yet. Still 204. It was actually 203, until I shifted my weight, and then it was 204 again. I'm fairly pleased with this, however. Hoping if I continue to work out, I will be able to keep weight gain to a minimum, and only gain baby and boob weight. This weekend we're going to go hiking, so we'll see how that goes. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.